Sunday, September 6, 2009


I am stupid

I am a coward

Why I do not dare to stand up for myself??

Is it because of I don't want to give rise to any quarrel??

Seriously, I don't know the answer...

But what comes across my mind now is :"I don't want to start a quarrel..."

However, whenever an incident happened I'll keep complaining to them, even crying in front of them...

I am so sorry to them, my extra special friends...

I am sorry....I am sorry....

Sorry you have to listen to my complaining....

Sorry you have to comfort me whenever I have problems....

But I feel so comfortable when I am with you...

I trust you....

Thanks for always be there whenever I need you....

I really need someone to listen to me...thanks a lot!!!

I felt so touched when you said: "As a friend, I won't just leave you alone..."

You tried to cheer me up....I really appreciate it!!!

Sorry again for troubling you.....

p/s : Min, Be Strong....


  1. ♛ LORD ZARA 札拉 ♛ said...

    be strong and be patience ya?

    I do hope u recover soon!

    MinMin said...
    to Zara:
    thanks a lot..i feel better now..
    be strong~~ =)
    mUTe said...
    Hang in there min. Be strong. :-D
    MinMin said...
    to mUTe:
    TQ so much...Be strong..:-P
    u too..i like to see u smile....
    SMILE~~ =)
    ~~BEAUTIFUL LIAR~~ said...
    wow! who is that 'YOU' anyway~
    ~life is too short to waste time hating anyone~

    "When someone hurts us

    we should write it down

    in sand where winds of

    forgiveness can erase it away.

    But, when someone does

    something good for us,

    we must engrave it in stone

    where no wind

    can ever erase it."

    MinMin said...
    to mimi:
    mi,i know...but sometimes it is easier to say than do it...huhu
    ~~BEAUTIFUL LIAR~~ said...
    yeay i know...mula2 mungkin susa...lme2 u akan immune sndiri~~
    n u xakn rse susa da~
    avid said...
    that's what a friend does....
    be strong, girl...
    MinMin said...
    To Muzam:
    TQ friend....=)

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